What is Naturopathy?

  • Naturopathy is a system of health care that looks to identify and address the possible underlying root causes of disease and ill health.

  • A naturopath will seek to provide symptomatic relief with bespoke herbal tinctures, nutrition and lifestyle interventions to improve the quality of life for that person.

  • Naturopathy acknowledges and treats the whole person not just an isolated body system or set of physical symptoms.

  • Naturopathy uses the most natural medicines and therapies to stimulate healing. Focus is placed on ensuring quality nutrition; air, water, movement and environment are in place.

  • Naturopaths seek to involve and engage with their clients in partnership and to encourage clients to take responsibility for their own health and prevention of future disease.

  • Naturopaths trust in the body’s inherent powers of recovery and healing when obstacles to cure are removed.


Conditions Supported

  • Hormonal health: PMS, PMDD, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhoea, puberty, perimenopause, menopause and beyond.

  • Vaginal infections - BV, thrush and changes in perimenopause and menopause such as recurrent UTI’s and vaginal atrophy

  • Preconception support

  • Pregnancy and post natal support

  • Digestive problems – IBS, Crohns, Ulcerative colitis, SIBO.

  • Skin conditions - eczema, acne, psoriasis

  • Thyroid health - Hashimotos and Graves

  • Sleep problems

  • Depression and anxiety